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cannot access localhost:8384 - Support - Syncthing Community Forum
Main Post: cannot access localhost:8384 - Support - Syncthing Community Forum
Top Comment: On the desktop when I enter localhost:8384 it works but when I enter it on my laptop I get “This site can’t be reached localhost refused to connect” ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED I ran a google search for the error but did not find anything that resolved the issue.
chrome dissalow but allow localhost:8384/ - User Stories - Syncthing Community Forum
Main Post: chrome dissalow but allow localhost:8384/ - User Stories - Syncthing Community Forum
Top Comment: funny for me: chrome browser dissalow but allow localhost:8384/ :smiley: looks white page only. but theres lots of source. its ending with:
Syncthing running on port 8080 instead of 8384?
Main Post:
I am an artist with minimal tech skill at best, and this is off my map. I have done some research, but it is... over my head, to say the least lol. On the syncthing website, it says the admin GUI should be running on port 8384. On my desktop, this is true, but on my laptop, it is instead running on port 8080. I don't know if this is significant, but I'm trying to overturn every rock to figure out why my computers refuse to sync. It just says they don't even exist. I dunno. Just tryna figure it out haha.
Top Comment:
Try going into setting and where it says dynamic, change it to the IP of the other computer, plus port that's listening.
Los Angeles Escorts (u/Quick-Character-8384) - Reddit
Main Post: Los Angeles Escorts (u/Quick-Character-8384) - Reddit
Reddit Daily Cube, Cards 83-84, Liquimetal Torque and Grafted Wargear are in, what's next?
Main Post:
A few tips:
- Lean upvotes over downvotes. It's cool to see big numbers, and it's less cool to see low numbers. You don't need to stomp out the competition.
- Argue your case. Use facts. Use emotion! Reddit Daily Cube - Overview - Cube Cobra has all the previous picks, so point at previous cards picked your card works well with or why we don't need a 5th counterspell.
- Rules are cool, and meant to be broken. The top comment on Day 0 was follow a WUBRG pattern on weekdays, and that's great! But it's not obligatory, nor is anything. Do check if someone has already suggested your card of choice though.
Punk, if you leave a suggestion, upvote the post.
Sorry for delay. Will probably be a bit later tomorrow to give it 20+ hours.
Top Comment:
Once again, I think [[Virus Beetle]] has a place as a discard ETB, body to sac or recur, and just fills roles as a rakdos/black small body
What would you rate these players? (83‐84 Boston Celtics)
Main Post:
This is a continuation of this original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/VintageNBA/comments/xqge8i/what_would_you_rate_these_players_from_the_198384/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Their roster at the start of the season included:
Danny Ainge, Larry Bird, Quinn Buckner, M.L. Carr, Carlos Clark, Gerald Henderson, Dennis Johnson, Greg Kite, Cedric Maxwell, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish and Scott Wedman
Top Comment:
Larry Bird - 98
Robert Parish - 90
Kevin McHale - 87
Dennis Johnson - 86
Cedric Maxwell - 82
Gerald Henderson - 81
Danny Ainge - 77
What would you rate these players? (83‐84 Seattle SuperSonics)
Main Post:
This is a continuation of this original post:
Their roster at the start of the season included:
Charles Bradley, Fred Brown, Tom Chambers, Steve Hawes, Steve Hayes, Clay Johnson, Reggie King, Scooter McCray, Jack Sikma, John Sundvold, David Thompson, Danny Vranes, Gus Williams and Al Wood
Top Comment:
87 - Jack Sikma (89 All-Thunder)
86 - Gus Williams (89 All-Thunder)
84 - Tom Chambers (89 All-Suns)
81 - David Thompson (95 All-Nuggets, Career Ending Injury)
79 - Al Wood
78 - Danny Vranes
76 - Fred Brown (88 All-Thunder)
74 - Reggie King
70 - Jon Sundvold
70 - Steve Hayes (Signed)
69 - Steve Hawes
67 - Shooter McCray
66 - Clay Johnson (Signed)
62 - Charles Bradley (Signed/Waived)
83/84 Missions Complete!
Main Post: 83/84 Missions Complete!
To many 8.3/8.4 in Mists
Main Post: To many 8.3/8.4 in Mists
Top Comment:
We all know this shit was coming, the moment they released awakened weapons, I don’t even think there’s any real risk of getting ratted until shapeshifter gets nerfed, it can easily 1v3 similar ip if they aren’t also on shapeshifter